Kite Festival Fun

ImageI recently completed the first Annual Treasure Valley Kite Festival – one of the most successful events I have ever produced.  It was such a great community event that everyone came out to take pictures, fly kites, and celebrate the wind that we had that day.  And although it was cold, the kids and their smiling faces warmed our hearts all morning.
As an event producer, there is so much more responsibility in the outcome of an event – but on the flip side, so much more reward.  I will make this one an Annual Event for the community.  It was such fun…and the only truly happy news that evening.  I love having a bright spot in the middle of all the tragedy that exists around us.  It gives us hope for a better day.
Thank you all for coming out and supporting the kite festival last month.  You made my day!  I will see you all next April for the second annual Treasure Valley Kite Festival.

New Technology meets Event Planning

laser showWhat’s new on the events front?  LED screens…Did you know that they are much brighter than projection screens, especially if the room is not dark?  Laser shows are the up and coming rage in China and interesting to produce and watch.

There is so much to learn when it comes to the technology to produce a trade show or conference, much less a full performance. What material is used for the backdrop makes a difference.  The type of projection – and of course the budget are key drivers. This is the time where the professionals come in….but at what kind of price?  Technology is big money…and you need big sponsors to pull it off successfully. Is it possible to create the big dramatic look without the big price tag? especially Ideas revolve around how I can get sponsors fast enough to cover the costs?  It’s all about marketing when it comes to sponsorships – so delivering the right message to the right audience will sew up the deal for you.  Time is essential.  Locating the right person in the company to speak to is essential. Your message has to be clear and you must deliver what you promise and prove your accountability.
Sounds like a huge challenge – right?  That it is…and that’s the reason that you should start as early as a year in advance.  Planning ahead is essential to be successful.  Creating huge innovative events is very exciting once the sponsorships are secured.  Ideas are limitless.
Start early on your sponsorships – and don’t contract for things you can’t pay for on a hope and a prayer.  You can secure your success with successful sponsorship acquisition.  Roll up your sleeves and get going.
Have a great event.

10 Reasons why we choose to be event planners

Top 10 winner10.  We want to get stronger and wiser everyday facing risk and adversity

Event planning takes a lot of detail work, and if you forget even one minor detail, the whole event can be in jeopardy of failure.  Every day we face the risk of a failure.  With each event we get personal strength and grow as an individual.  It makes us who we become.

9.  We want to use our experience and knowledge.

Event planners come from a variety of backgrounds.  We gain insight and life skills through our experiences.  The bulk of mine came from planning events in the non-profit world.  As we enter the profession, we want to tap into that experience and those resources that we now have to improve someone else’s experience.

8. We want to spend more time with family and friends.

As a business owner we all hope that someday we can be more in charge of our own schedules.  We can spend time with our friends and families, and find a balance between our jobs and our lives.

7. Flexibility

Entrepreneurs enjoy some flexibility in their days and hours.  While none of us really fall into a traditional 9-5 day, we can schedule things as we choose.  Event planners definitely do not have regular hours since events occur at all times and days during the week.  Being in business for yourself allows you to take time when you need to and work when you have the jobs.

6.  Event planning is an opportunity to build wealth.

Event planners can build their business to a level that does contribute in the long term to wealth and prosperity.   Any business that you own and run can build wealth and prosperity if you work it and stick with it long enough to make it successful.

5.  Event planning has no limit on what you can do.

As with most service industries, there are no limits to the amount of service that can be delivered as long as you can hire good support staff to help you.  There is a great deal of pride that goes along with success when you can employ and contribute to other people’s lives.  Growing the business is really up to you.

4.  Event planners enjoy being problem solvers.

Event planners are frequently called in to help when no one else has the time or expertise to complete or carry out a project.   It’s quite rewarding to turn a situation around and make it work.

3.  Event planners can be their own boss.

It’s certainly nice to be one’s own boss.  It gives you a sense of accomplishment when you become successful in your own endeavors.  You are in charge – you set the rules – you decide how to play your own game.  There’s really nothing like being your own boss.

2. Event planners have many opportunities to give back – in both time and money.

Event planner skills are resources that every organization can benefit from.  While event planners certainly cannot always give their skills and services away, there are ample opportunities to give back to your customers and community.  Giving back is very rewarding for all of us.

And the number one reason why we choose to be event planners is…. 

It’s fun and we love what we do!  There is no greater reward than seeing the executive director enjoying their own event – or the bride with a beaming smile because her day was exactly as she dreamed it would be.  There really just isn’t a better way to live than having a job that you love.

Sponsorships for Non-Profits

As I’ve been out in the community recently I have realized that there are a lot of misunderstandings about sponsorships and their purposes especially amongst the non-profits in the community.  Hopefully I can give you some insight into sponsorships so that you can increase your success in this area.

Sponsorships serve two purposes and fall into two basic categories when it comes to Non-Profit Organizations.

There are sponsorships that come from your donors – or better said evolve out of relationships that you make with your donors.  These are people who love your cause and want to support you any way that they can.  They will buy an ad in your season program, or purchase a table for your gala and bring some friends.  They are “donating” to you and sometimes attaching their business name to it because they love you and your cause.  It’s what I call a “feel good” sponsorship.  These are great sponsors and relatively easy to attain if you have done a good job with relationship building.

The other type of sponsorship is a marketing sponsorship.  This comes from a different budget than the foundation/donation side of a business.  These sponsorships are really designed to grow the brand or the client base of the potential sponsor.  The money should come out of advertising or marketing rather than community donations.  The sponsorship should be created to help achieve their marketing goals whatever they are.  Return on Investment plays a huge role in how long term the sponsorship will thrive.  Since it’s basically advertising expense, the amount is fully tax deductible as a business expense (as opposed to the first type which is generally a donation).

Marketing sponsorships take time and relationship building as well.  It’s vital to understand the goals of the sponsor and to do your best to fulfill their goals with a sponsorship for your organization.  The key to success is start early, find businesses that are a good match for your organization that would benefit from the relationship, and do what you promise you will do for them.

Good luck with your sponsorships for 2014.  Please share your tips for successful sponsorship acquisition too!  We are all always looking for more ways to engage the community.

Who we are!


Plan Ahead Events Boise is a full service meeting and event planning company locally owned and operated in Boise, Idaho. We offer a wide variety of meeting and event planning services from large to small. Professional experienced event planners will help create that special event for you. Earn the highest ROI possible with face to face events – boom your business with more customer interaction.

Our blog will be a resource for event planning tips, tricks, insights, and suggestions. We believe in creating the best and most enjoyable events possible. We hope to share insights with you that will help you to understand the ins and outs of event planning. We would love feedback, so feel free to comment and get involved with us!

Or Contact Us for more info!